Now Playing: Support of Liberal Democrat Politicians & Candidates Mission Statement
Topic: Mission Statement
This blogsite is out to support all Liberal minded candidates in either political party but mainly supports the Democratic party. For all those Democrats not loyal to anyone but big money, defense contractors, and corporations over people, this blogsite will expose those Democrats in name only state by state. However, this blogsite will give its unwavering support to loyal Democrats which includes the likes of Russ Feingold, Barbara Boxer, Ted Kennedy, John F. Kerry, Richard Durbin, Robert C. Byrd, Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, Maxine Waters, John Conyers, Charles Rangel, Henry Waxman, Dennis Kucinich, and Nancy Pelosi! This blogsite definitely and unequivocally supports Mr. and Dr. Howard Dean for the Democratic National Committee Chairman. This blogsite opposes all machine politics which only gets in the way of honest and positive government. This blogsite sees people like Pennsylvania Democratic-Governor Ed Rendell and Connecticut's U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman as party traitors and will not hesitate to poiunt out any traitors to the Bush administration who make their name whoring democrats for votes as imposters. Thus exposing Democrats in Name Only will be one objective of this blogsite as well as supporting deserving Democrats whom we love!
Posted by moongypsy12
at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 21 May 2005 2:48 AM EDT