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E-Zine Magazine
Moon's Magazine
Liberal Champs of Truth!!
Saturday, 21 May 2005
Mood:  incredulous
The people at American Online are big-time hypocrites. In AOL's sick chatrooms they favor right wingers of the Republican party. The jerks at AOL allow for gay bashing big time. Not only does AOL tolerate gay bashing but liberal bashing, bashing of Muslims and Islam is greatly tolerated by the jerks at AOL. When one has an opposing view of right wing jerks, and stands up against verbal assaults by right wing chatters in of all places political chat rooms, AOL penalizes those who stand up and defend their political beliefs. AOL is FASCIST and is solidly against free speech rights. AOL has been hit with lawsuits against people of the Muslim faith for their allowing hate speech to go unfettered in chat rooms after 9-11-2001. AOL allows and promotes the hate speech it wants and penalizes those who dare to stand up against right wing hate and bigotry. Its high time that people end their AOL subscriptions and let AOL dissolve into bankruptcy. Yes, let AOL go into the financial abyss and do so now. AOL are BIGOTS, RACISTS, GAY BASHERS, HYPOCRITES, ANTI-FREE SPEECH, AND PROMOTERS OF HATE SPEECH, AOL SELECTIVELY PUNISHES PEOPLE IN POLITICAL CHAT ROOMS BY NOT READING ALL OF THE TRANSCRIPTS FROM PEOPLE IN THEIR AOL CHAT ROOMS. IF AOL WAS FAIRLY ENFORCING THEIR CHAT RULES NOBODY WOULD BE LEFT FOR THE NEXT DAY'S CHAT. DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND CANCEL YOUR AOL SUBSCRIPTION NOW! IF YOU DARE STAND UP AGAINST RIGHT WINGERS AND THE CHRISTIAN RIGHT ON AOL WHO CALL LIBERALS SUPPORTERS OF "FECAL MARRIAGE" INCLUDING THE CONSTANT BASHING OF ELLEN DEGENERES AND OTHER GAYS AND LESBIANS IN AOL CHAT ROOMS THEN I SAY CANCEL YOUR CHAT ROOMS. ITS OKAY FOR AOL TO ALLOW RIGHT WINGERS TO BASH ANYONE WHO DARES CRITICIZE THE FASCIST REGIME OF PRESIDENT BUSH AS TRAITORS YET DOES NOTHING TO THOSE WHO HAVE WHAT I CALL RIGHT WING HATE SPEECH. AOL IS NOTHING BUT A BUNCH OF KISS-BUTT FASCISTS OF THE RIGHT WING AND BUSH JUNTA WHO WOULD HAVE BEEN SHOT BY THE AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARIES FOR BEING ENEMIES OF FREE SPEECH. AOL'S TOS RULES ARE TANTAMOUNT TO CORPORATE FASCISTS OF THE ADOLF HITLER MODE AND ENEMIES OF AMERICA FOR BEING ENEMIES OF FREE SPEECH AND NOT ALLOWING THE ACCUSED TO HAVE THEIR DUE PROCESS RIGHTS COMMENCED. CANCEL YOUR FASCIST AOL SUNSCRIPTIONS NOW UNTIL AOL COMES TO THEIR AMERICAN SENSES. ALTHOUGH AOL SAYS ITS AMERICAN, AOL IS MORE LIKE NAZIONLINE.


Are the Republicans up to their typical slimy ways once again? From Guckert-Gannon to DeLay and the rest of the scum of the earth the Republicans are the low-life's of the world. The Republican attack dogs are busy going after Ward Churchill while they look for their next escort propaganda man. I wonder which White House administration official has intimate contacts with Guckert-Gannon? Notice I said has instead of had relations with Guckert-Gannon? Will the real date of Gannon-Guckert please stand and rise for the show? If Paul Wolfowitz becomes head of the World Bank please take all of your money out of there while you can. Here is a piece of advice for the nations with a lot of stock resting with the World Bank---take your money out of the World Bank immediately if Paul Wolfowitz becomes head of the World Bank. Wolfowitz in all his infinite wisdom was one of the leding war planners for the war in Iraq. It is obvious Wolfowitz lacks adequate actuary skills going by the money totals that Wolfie told Congress it would cost to annihilate and take over Iraq. Wolfie said it would be on the cheap and was totally off by numbers which are in the insane category. I would be afraid of Wolfie being in charge of a piggy bank let alone the World Bank. Wolfie is lethal and I am afraid the man will want to go nuclear on safe in the World Bank when his litle neocon hyper-ego gets upset. The neocons are pathetic and this includes the Ralph Reed and Grover Norquist who are all neonazis not to mention the Bush administration's war on Ireland these days. I guess the Bushies are rewarding Tony Blair for his support of killing innocent Iraqis. i say give Iraq back to the Iraqis and Ireland back to the Irish and while I think about it give W Bush back to New Haven, CT where he was born before he thought to be an imported non-native born Texan who as such a bonafide cowboy found his way into a prep school and became a cheerleader. I wonder if W Bush had pop tarts before cheerleading practice. We all know he likes pretzels and being on the floor after he chokes on what he eats. Say what you will about Bill Boy Clinton but he never had a problem choking on pretzels. Bill was so coordinated he could be with Monica and talk to world leaders at the same time. I guess the Republicans have a hard time understanding how one is multitasked. But there are reports W Bush was multitasked in one of the debates with John Kerry when he was hooked up with an ear piece as well as being able to talk at the same time. I wonder if its Karl Rove, Scottie McClelland, or Ralph Reed, who have multitasked with Guckert-Gannon. By the way, has American gone Nazi or is it Nazi already as we sit here today? Oh, and by the way Ted Kennedy is no Irishman either. I hope the Irish laugh Ted Kennedy and all other phony-ass Americans who claim to be Irish from there. I admire Gerry Adams and I will tell you right now that I do not share Bush or Kennedy's negative views on what their ignorance seems to think they know better than the donkey which was shot by the British thugs long before Bobby Sands was ever born or lobg before John Mitchel confronted the tyrants of the royal crown in the same manner that the founding fathers of America did in 1776! Until more dirt on the Bush fascist regime re-emerges which should be any second not minute and I have some time to gather my thoughts about this crime family stayed tuned. It is not really hard to allow your mind to have a period of open consciousness about this crime family known as the Bush administration. I wonder if Wolfowitz will use loans from the World Bank to enhance the international drug trade and give loans to undercover drug lords to keep the prison industrial complex going as their stocks continue to be sold on Wall Street. Maybe Wolfie and the rest of the neocon criminals can someday be in a world criminal court rather than heading a world bank. The neocons are such pigs that I do think that it would only be fitting that they be in charge of their own personal pig banks behind bars and that the rest of the world including the old, infirmed, retired, disabled, widows and the rest would be free of the domestic tyranny of the Bush crime family. If there was a real God there is no way that he would create dirty scoundrels, monsters, amd evil doers like the people in the Bush administration. Did you ever think that Charles Manson and the Manson family might get along quite well with the Bushies? I mean the Manson family were aryans, proud racists, robbed a blind man named George Spann, even lied to the old man, wanted a race war like Bushie wants a religious war, the Manson family read the Bible and hated Hollywood and desposed every last bit about the establishment and the Bushies hate everything about the federal government. I am sure Matt Hale's ilk votes for the Bush clan quite readily and oh, wait a minute the majority of Manson's fan mail comes from the red states. Oh, yes most of the porn industry queens hail from the bible belt as well. Big boobs, big guns, and lots of guzzling goes on in the bible belt. I guess one needs a reason to look for constant redemption. I wonder if people like being sons of guns or sons of bitches better? I think the Bush administration would rather lay down not with Sally, but with a son from a gun named Guckert-Gannon to write and sell more Bush administration propganda and lies, lies, lies, and more lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, until it is time for the next lay, and I do not mean Ken Lay! See how easy it is to keep going about the Bush crime family? Even when I don't try the smut from those people can roll from my fingers from my brain on to the keyboard. Later and keep the Bush crime family in your thoughts and prayers as you ask God for the stength to stay sane with an insane cabal running the United States government..


1. David Horowitz
2. Dennis Miller
3. Bill O'Reilly
4. Sean Hannity
5. Rush Limbaugh
6. Brit Hume
7. Scott McClelland present Bush propagandist
8. Daniel Pipes
9. Robert Novak
10. George Will
11. Ann Coulter (is she a man?)
12. Laura Ingraham (is she a man?)
13. Jeffrey Gannon-Guckert-1-time Bush propagandist
14. Kurt Schilling--of RedSox & GOP kiss-ass
15. Mort Zuckerman
16. Joe Lieberman---Democrat TRAITOR
17. Joe Scarborough
18. Ari Fleischer-former Bush propagandist
19. Mona Charen--right wing idiot-propagandist
20. Mort Kondracke
21. Tony Blankely
22. Ron Silver--pathetic actor & GOP propagandist
23. Bill Bennett
24. Newt Gingrich
25. Robert Bork
26. Bob Dole
27. Jesse Patterson-phony preacher
28. Larry Elder---phony
29. Bernie Goldberg---CRYBABY LOSER
30. Armstrong Williams--LIAR GOP Propagandist

Posted by moongypsy12 at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 21 May 2005 2:46 AM EDT

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