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Bush Administration's Lost Empire
Saturday, 21 May 2005
Bush Administration's Lost Empire Mission Statement

Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Foe of Bush-Cheneyi

This blogsite views the Bush administratiion as the enemies of freedom, peace, justice, equality, human rights, self-determination of all peoples in the world as it seeks to spread the American empire through the use of the military under the false disguise of the "war on terrorism". This blogsite views every policy of the Bush administration as a lie, fraud and deceit. There is nothing moral or honorable about the Bush administration other than that they have only genocidal policies in store with their social security reform plans in America as well as their preventive war strategies for nations which refuse to do America's bidding. The Bush administration are a menace to decency at home and abroad and this blogsite does not hide its disdain for the Bush-Cheney agenda which is fostered by the neocons desire for world domination and hegemony.

"The way of peace they do not know
and there is no justice in their goings,
they have made them crooked paths.
Justice is turned away backward,
and righteousness stands afar off;
for truth is fallen in the street,
and uprightness can not enter."

Isaiah 59

"The Poor Man and the Poor Man is Dead"



Life below the city lights, ghostly streets,
A Poor Man's lot, old, decrepit,
quarter smile, day old donuts, and newfound cigarette butts, and, two sets of reality.
The Poor Man and the Poor Man is Dead.

Only as to a gutter-wrenched heart of angels past,
Divisions always moving forward,
awaiting from beaming lightning souls.
The Poor Man and the Poor Man is Dead.

Within the cold veins of human kind,
akin of still, yet, unmoved rocks.
Skyscraper dwelling, sterile maids, spoiled food, and vicious, vain holdings.
The Wealthy Man and the Wealthy Man is Alive.

Hardly in the innocence of the cradle of light,
yet no truth save dark lies,
savage bullet-like blood, thou' hearts of no conscience
The Wealthy Man and the Wealthy Man is Alive.

Empty as baneful souls,
moronic minds
of shredded paper,
currency of no shame,
and endless crooked dice.
The Wealthy Man and the Wealthy Man is Alive.

So, to who brings war torn neighborhoods from afar?
Not, of course
that Poor Man.
Only if coins were souls.
The Wealthy Man and the Wealthy Man is Alive,
The Poor Man and the Poor Man is Dead.

The End.

July 6, 2004
Revised---August 3, 2004

Posted by moongypsy12 at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 21 May 2005 2:45 AM EDT

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