
Now Playing: Proud Liberals Unite! Mission Statement
Topic: PLU Mission Statement

Proud Liberals Unite! believes in a better world here on earth and expects truth, honesty, integrity, and fairness from those elected representatives of the people, who are making political decisions which will affect the citizenry now and in the future. Proud Liberals Unite! also believes in equality and justice for all people in America and the world based on the respect for international laws and the real commitment to world peace not at the end of a bayonet or tank but at the end of real economic opportunity free of domination, oppression, or retaliation. Proud Liberals Unite! stands against the Propaganda selling of the Bush administration and the entire right wing cabal, which includes the falsehoods of the war in Iraq. Proud Liberals Unite! supports anyone and everyone in Congress who stands together against the hard right neocon agenda of the present day Republican Party & Bush administration, which is about to dismantle Social Security as it marches America's young off to die in wars in places like Iraq under lies, deceptions, and false pretenses. Proud Liberals Unite! are committed to stand against this type of treachery of the Bush administration's sinister and devious politics. Proud Liberals Unite! believes in public education and stands against the Bush administration's sinister and devious plans to undermine and de-fund public education. Proud Liberals Unite! are committed to the idea of gender equality for all Americans which includes gays, lesbians, and transgendered people. Proud Liberals Unite! also believe in religious freedom for all Americans whether Atheist, Agnostic, Catholic, Chrisitian, Protestant, Fundamentalist, Islamic, Jewish, Buddhist, Hinduist, and any other religion or denomination. Proud Liberals Unite! strongly believes that the policymakers in America need to reaffirm their unwavering commitment to the 1964 Civil Rights Act and renew the 1965 Voting Rights Act which expires in 2007 if the USA is to lecture the world about liberty, freedom, justice, equality and democracy from a republic that claims to be that beacon of liberty, shining light on a hill seen by nations from afar. Proud Liberals Unite! strongly opposes and unabashly so President George W. Bush and the objectives of his administration's policies and will support the likes of those Democrats in the Senate who stood against the nominations of Republican lackeys: Condi Rice and Alberto Gonzales. Proud Liberals Unite! believes in free speech and the right to criticize President Bush who is not "King". Proud Liberals Unite! promotes free speech all day and night!
President Bush acts like a spoiled child and represents the United States as President. This man when he does not get his way has the definite King Baby syndrome which he stomps his feet until all those around give in to him like a pampered boy. I have held off for a very long time from openly criticizing the Bush administration with the super-surveillance and intimidation tactics now used by this White House. But enough is enough. If the FBI and CIA want to talk to me they can. But I will express my free speech rights in this letter. I have had it with the lies of the corporate media which lies and distorts everything in the Bush administration. President Bush is not the King yet, but he is able to act like one more and more every day by the incompetent and idiotic Republican members of Congress who have forgotten that there are three co-equal branches of government, rather than one which unfortunately, too many Americans who flunked civics do not understand. Thus, the Congress does not work for Mr. Bush or Mr. Cheney.
Now, President Bush has done the country a huge disservice by blurring the separation of powers by having Bill Frist act as a surrogate of the White House. There are three separate branches of government, in which the Executive is one but is separated from the Legislative branch. Mr. Bush and Mr. Frist have already combined religion with the state and are now doing the same. The separation of powers under the Bush regime is a sad joke. America is being run like the old King?s system of Great Britain, which America broke from during the Revolutionary War. The separation of powers as well as no state religion, not to mention religious toleration-was a unique idea, indeed, to ensure that no religious or state tyranny would ever occur. The Bush administration has raped the ideals of the founding fathers. Just because President Bush nominates a person for a position whether it be John Bolton at the UN or a judicial nominee does not mean that an individual should automatically be confirmed. Why have a nomination and confirmation process to begin with, if the likes of President Bush, VP Dick Cheney, Bill Frist, and Tom DeLay do away with the filibuster? Doing away with the filibuster and the sixty needed votes to confirm an individual in the US Senate will lead America to that tyranny which Thomas Paine talked of in Common Sense as well as authors Thomas Jefferson, Richard Henry Lee, Roger Sherman, and Benjamin Franklin did in the Declaration of Independence. The outcome awaiting America is the old tyranny of the King system which can kiss good bye forever-the once novel idea of checks and balances. Yes, the GOP have successfully over time with their propaganda lied and manipulated the American people but the outcome for all to see now is the final erosion of democracy and real freedom. This Republican party is anything but the party of Abraham Lincoln or Thomas Jefferson. This Republican party remind me more of the party of Jefferson Davis, who was a ?good old? Confederate man.
The latest action of ending the filibuster is the final step of the Republicans Southern Strategy started with Nixon, fortified by Reagan and now to be consolidated by the neoconservatives and President Bush. It is really ironic, that so called lovers of freedom and democracy, Vice-President Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald. wee avid supporters of tyrannical regimes when they were part of the Reagan team. Cheney was a member in the House of Representatives when he was an avowed supporter of apartheid in the days when Nelson Mandela was held as a prisoner in South Africa. Cheney abhorred democracy for the blacks in South Africa, This point is never addressed as it should be when talking of the hypocrites in the Bush administration when they call for blacks to be in their phony photo-ops. And who can ever forget Mr. Rumsfeld?s acting so chummy and kissy in giving aid and comfort to Saddam Hussein which the Republican Reagan administration so supported these undemocratic regimes without apology. It is a known fact that Republican party from the days when Jeanne Kirkpatrick was at the UN supported authoritarian, dictator-like governments, rather than those which were democratically elected ones. The Republicans are hostile to open democracies in which their corporate pals do not control the show and cannot manufacture public consent.
It is only fitting that Cheney and Rumsfeld having been in the administrations of Nixon, Ford, and Reagan, who are all part of the Southern Strategy school are here to usher in the consolidation of America?s regression back to the 1890s. This sinister Southern Strategy should be called what it is for once. This strategy is racist at its base and formed its backlash during the civil rights era of Martin Luther King, Jr. For the past forty years this sinister Southern Strategy has sought for not only the continued erosion, but complete destruction, of civil rights, civil liberties, equality for women, destruction of unions per order of CEOS, workers rights, disability rights, environmental laws, rights to an equal education, and fairness in broadcasting.
The Republican Party of 2005 is hostile to the beliefs of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison while their real heroes are those who fought for the Confederacy in the Civil War. Their real hero of the GOP seems to be Jefferson Davis, not Abraham Lincoln. The GOP red state ideology seems to be hostile to the ideals of Madison and Jefferson of which the Civil War was fought. Janice Rogers Brown is on the side of the Confederacy, while those who fought hard for civil rights-Martin Luther King, Jr. and Thurgood Marshall now roll in their graves as a result of her lack of concern for the poor and others in like situations. If Ms. Brown was not an accommodationist to the all-white Republican Congress than she would be spit on just like her soul sister Lani Guinier was hit hard--by the same group of right wing ideologues who supposedly love the black person today? Give me a break and pass the salt! Remember John Ashcroft?s attacks on Ronnie White?s nomination to the federal bench by President Clinton and the damnable lies told by the former Attorney General, then Senator (Ashcroft), about Mr. White?s credentials? As of Tuesday, minus the filibuster, and minus the super-majority, then you can kiss democracy and the republican ideals of the republic good bye and don't forget to bury the words ?checks and balances? into the ash heap of history.
America will soon be a tyrannical like monarchy which Thomas Paine abhorred and talked at length about in Common Sense as well as the evils of hereditary succession in government, which is what the government of America has become. It appears that the Republican party of today would have been Tories during the Revolutionary War going by their hostility to minority rights and the checks and balances, which are in place to avoid the tyranny now about to be a reality on American's landscape, coming along no doubt, in the dead of night.
The people at American Online are big-time hypocrites. In AOL's sick chatrooms they favor right wingers of the Republican party. The jerks at AOL allow for gay bashing big time. Not only does AOL tolerate gay bashing but liberal bashing, bashing of Muslims and Islam is greatly tolerated by the jerks at AOL. When one has an opposing view of right wing jerks, and stands up against verbal assaults by right wing chatters in of all places political chat rooms, AOL penalizes those who stand up and defend their political beliefs. AOL is FASCIST and is solidly against free speech rights. AOL has been hit with lawsuits against people of the Muslim faith for their allowing hate speech to go unfettered in chat rooms after 9-11-2001. AOL allows and promotes the hate speech it wants and penalizes those who dare to stand up against right wing hate and bigotry. Its high time that people end their AOL subscriptions and let AOL dissolve into bankruptcy. Yes, let AOL go into the financial abyss and do so now. AOL are BIGOTS, RACISTS, GAY BASHERS, HYPOCRITES, ANTI-FREE SPEECH, AND PROMOTERS OF HATE SPEECH, AOL SELECTIVELY PUNISHES PEOPLE IN POLITICAL CHAT ROOMS BY NOT READING ALL OF THE TRANSCRIPTS FROM PEOPLE IN THEIR AOL CHAT ROOMS. IF AOL WAS FAIRLY ENFORCING THEIR CHAT RULES NOBODY WOULD BE LEFT FOR THE NEXT DAY'S CHAT. DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND CANCEL YOUR AOL SUBSCRIPTION NOW! IF YOU DARE STAND UP AGAINST RIGHT WINGERS AND THE CHRISTIAN RIGHT ON AOL WHO CALL LIBERALS SUPPORTERS OF "FECAL MARRIAGE" INCLUDING THE CONSTANT BASHING OF ELLEN DEGENERES AND OTHER GAYS AND LESBIANS IN AOL CHAT ROOMS THEN I SAY CANCEL YOUR CHAT ROOMS. ITS OKAY FOR AOL TO ALLOW RIGHT WINGERS TO BASH ANYONE WHO DARES CRITICIZE THE FASCIST REGIME OF PRESIDENT BUSH AS TRAITORS YET DOES NOTHING TO THOSE WHO HAVE WHAT I CALL RIGHT WING HATE SPEECH. AOL IS NOTHING BUT A BUNCH OF KISS-BUTT FASCISTS OF THE RIGHT WING AND BUSH JUNTA WHO WOULD HAVE BEEN SHOT BY THE AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARIES FOR BEING ENEMIES OF FREE SPEECH. AOL'S TOS RULES ARE TANTAMOUNT TO CORPORATE FASCISTS OF THE ADOLF HITLER MODE AND ENEMIES OF AMERICA FOR BEING ENEMIES OF FREE SPEECH AND NOT ALLOWING THE ACCUSED TO HAVE THEIR DUE PROCESS RIGHTS COMMENCED. CANCEL YOUR FASCIST AOL SUNSCRIPTIONS NOW UNTIL AOL COMES TO THEIR AMERICAN SENSES. ALTHOUGH AOL SAYS ITS AMERICAN, AOL IS MORE LIKE NAZIONLINE.
NEAR, 2007
NOVEMBER 4, 2004
Posted by moongypsy12
at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 21 May 2005 2:47 AM EDT