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All Voices For Social Justice
Sunday, November 27, 2005
All Voices for Social Justice
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: All Voices for Social Justice Mission Statement
Topic: VSJ Mission Statement
All Voices for Social Justice believes in a better world here on earth and expects truth, honesty, integrity, and fairness from those elected representatives of the people, who are making political decisions which will affect the citizenry now and in the future. All Voices for Social Justice also believes in equality and justice for all people in America and the world based on the respect for international laws and the real commitment to world peace not at the end of a bayonet or tank but at the end of real economic opportunity free of domination, oppression, or retaliation. All Voices for Social Justice strongly believes that the policymakers in America need to reaffirm their unwavering commitment to the 1964 Civil Rights Act and renew the 1965 Voting Rights Act which expires in 2007 if the USA is to lecture the world about liberty, freedom, justice, equality and democracy from a republic that claims to be that beacon of liberty, shining light on a hill seen by nations from afar.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." ----First Amendment to the United States Constitution


The following people are paid shrills and propandists for the Bush administration. I have know all along that the Bush administration has been propagandizing the truth but by selling lies. It is not surprising that the GOP are out energetically circumventing free speech they do not approve of yet selling propaganda whenever they find it politcally expedient. The Republicans throughout the entire Bush administration has been willfully lying to the American people on issue after issue with social security being the next BIG LIE of the Bush junta to follow. Condi Rice is a liar. Alberto Gonzales is a liar and a promotor of torture which is terrorism in itself. Neither Rice or Gonzales should be approved in a democracy where truth should be king and inegrity queen. Both are liars. Remember Clinton? The GOP have short memories to their heightened hypocrisy and big lies. The Republican party are propagandists in the tradition of the Nazis in Germany and the communists in the old Soviet Union. The scary thing is that the present Bush administration justifies lies and deceptions for a "greater purpose," which is some phantom democracy they propagandize to people in the United States. The following people are paid propagandists of the Bush administration:
1. Armstrong Williams---was paid by the Bush administration and the Department of Education $240,000 to tout the GOP's so-called landmark education plan, "No Child Left Behind." The program has been a failure amidst more controversy because its been underfunded. Obviously, the administration could have used the money for Williams towards more money to fund the program.
2. Maggie Gallagher---The Health and Human Services Departmentpaid her $21,000 to write propaganda brochures and essays supporting the Bush administration's marriage initiative. Gallagher is a so-called "syndicated columnist" who is now a "professional propagandist" representing the Bush administration's lies and deceptions, not to mention their hate and intolerance. This woman named Maggie Gallagher is also been said to be a "marriage advocate" who obviously never let a chance to go by without making some easy and unethical cash. This Gallagher also was a point woman who had the responsibility to make quick briefs to government employees on the Bush administration's marriage plan initiative. Gallagher lied and deceived all people in America by making the erroneous claim that she would have diclosed getting the money had she remembered. This is a typical pattern of every LIAR and PROPAGANDIST who Defends the IMMORAL ACTIONS and IMMORAL POLICIES of the Bush Administration. Gallagher is a despicable human being who is a greedy, money-hungry media whore like the next GOP Propagandist to be talked about a little bit.
3. Charles Krauthammer- is a syndicated columnist and propagandist of the right wing and the Republican party. On January 10, 2005, Krauthammer was one of many people who was asked by the White House to help propagandize more selling of the Bush administration, but this time it was the inagural speech not the policy points Williams or Gallagher touted. This so-called journalist NEVER opposes the Bush administration and sits on a number of right wing think tanks and by being agreeable to the Neocons program and agenda has BOUGHT his way to the table of the right wingers in Washington, D.C. He is a liar and propagandist and when one listens to his claptrap can understand how little he really knows about places such as the Muslim world. The Washington Post reported on January 22, 2005 that Krauthammer was not the only public figure of elitist background to give advice on on how Bush should best prepare for his AWFUL inagural speech. The preparation of President Bush's second inaugural address of "freedom and liberty" also included historians Victor Davis Hanson and Yale Professor John Lewis Gaddis, a foreign policy specialist. Krauthammer is a paid propagandist of the Bush administraton and can no longer be viewed as an independent or objective columnist. He should be FIRED and I say FIRED from whatever Newspaper has the audacity to put his lies, deceptions and propaganda in the paper any longer. He is a despicable human being who is part of the right wing media who misled the American people in the run-up to the war in Iraq as they acted as cheerleaders for the Bush administration. Moroever, Krauthammer praised President Bush's January 20, 2005 inaugural speech on live television without saying what role he had in being a hired hand in formulating the speech. Krauthammer true to form praised Bush's inagural speech on the Fox News channel saying more than all else that it was a "revolutionary speech" but only "radical" in the sense to rid the world of "tyranny" that has been part of world history in what he said, "for thousands of years." Krauthammer's syndicate responded this morning. Krauthammer only just was at the White House consulting Bush for his inagural speech. Krauthammer can be sure to condone the torture czar named Alberto Gonzales. Krauthammer is an awful human being who needs to seek professional psychiatric treatment, immediately.
Say oink, oink. As in the 1960, the Pigs are back in town. Bring back the long hair and beads. Wlliams, Gallagher,and Krauthammer are propagandists for the Bush administration and yes, GREEDY PIGS!

MSNBC Hardball's Chris Matthews: Closet Republican &
Supporter of President Bush & Democrat Sellout

This PFAW link should finally convince the faint-hearted that the media is not liberal. Look at what Chris Matthews said in 2002 about the Democrats even dating to question Bush's policies. Matthews regularly touts GOP positions and only had people on his show who are not true liberals. When has Matthews ever invited Noam Chomsky on his show all the while bashing liberals. Matthews is a closet neocon who has very juvenile analysis on foreign and domestic issues and is a know-nothing who should be FIRED or boycotted. PFAW exposed the hate Matthews really has towards the Democrats. The man is also despicable posing as a bonafide "journalist" who once was lucky working for promient Democrats like ex-President Jimmy Cater and the late Democratic Speaker of the House from Massachusetts, Thomas "Tip" O'Neill.See the real hateful of the Democrats, Mr Chris Matthews in what he said verbatim from PFAW's eyewitness acconts when you link to their website at: PFAW report on Matthews http://www.pfaw.org/pfaw/general/default.aspx?oid=1626

On January 27, 2005, Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) and Senator Frank R. Lautenberg (D-N.J.) announced to the American public that they would introduce a bill which will speak of the propaganda the Bush administrarion is selling the people. Thus, in the Senate, Kennedy and Lautenberg will bring forth "The Stop Government Propaganda Act" by early February, most likely next week to stop the likes of Armstrong Williams and Maggie Gallagher to be paid hands of propaganda of the deceitful Bush administration.
More on Senator Barbara Boxer later......

Democrat "RATS" Who Now Favor
King Bush's Social IN-Security Bill

According to MediaTransparency from information they obtained there are willing democrats who are ready to go along with President Bush's privitization plan of Social Security which will all but dismantle the program. The Republicans have wanted to rid the Medicare program and Social Security as it ever got off the the ground. It was Democrat President Harry S. Truman who ushered in the GI Bill and gave veterans a chance to go to school as well as improved health benefits that a conservative Republican Congress fought all the way. The Republicans believe in corporate welfare for the connected but do not think much about the welfare of those left out of the privliled classes or those who refuse to go along with the program set down by the dominant classes since the formation of the consttuition was devised primarily for rich white landowers at the expese of the very freedom and equality stated in the document. Now the Democrats have truly lost their way and true blue democrats need to view these people as traitors to the party they were elected. If these politicians were not so eager about re-election they would find no need to be in the political middle as much as they are. None of these politicians should get re-elected if any one of them supports and encourages President Bush on this matter of social security.
Two of the people who are pushing for the dismantling of Social Security although using words like "private accounts" are from right wing think tanks who were also responsible for the awful Medicare bill and have written voluminous position papers opposed not only to workers rights and the call to abolish unions but favor the deregulation processes which have sent American jobs overseas by the tens of thousands. Both The CATO Institute is the one right wing think tank who has advocated for the complete dissolution of Social Security.
At the present time they are supported by former CATO member, Vice-President Dick Cheney who along with his wife Lynn Cheney have been involved with numerous right wing-ideological think-tanks. Led by privatization of Social Security advocates Claire Shipman and Michael Tanner, Tanner is also CATO Institute's director of health and welfare studies), the push is now on to selling the program to the people and of course to those on Capitol Hill. What is amazing about all this is that many Congressional Democrats agree with President Bush to privitize Social Security. I wonder why Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell is a favorite of the media cable channels like MSNBC and Chris Matthews of Hardball? Perhaps he is a Democrat in Name Only as well as a longtime machine politician. Machine politicians no matter the party are the worse kind of politician for loyalty is how they can win elections with political ideology or a deep conscience often not even secondary to their political natures. CT Senator Joe Lieberman also likes to win elections and he is really an oldtime political hack from CT having once been the Attorney General and has recently spent less time inside CT than politicking outside the Nutmeg state. How CT voters would ever re-elect this hawk on military matters or a censor of free speech and now enemy of the elderly and disabled is beyond any moral person's ability to comprehend right from wrong.
One might think that it would be the Democrats who would oppose Bush's plan with all the might they have. Wrong again! No, they are bought and paid for by the same big campaign donors who line the pockets of the Republicans. It is a big club in Washington, D.C. and in the Congress. The people who are not included in that party are Americans who do not have the big bucks to buy access to communicate with their elected officials. And if you are able to communicate with elected representatives do not think being listened to is one of the strongest traits of any one politician. Politicians listen mostly to thyself. Just remember that people. Although I come from a liberal perspective as an admitted proud unabashed, liberal, I am not beholden to any one political party. There is party ideology which must be fettered out from political ideology. Not all liberals are democrats although many are. Not all democrats are liberals although a few may be. There are some progressive/liberal Republicans who must be given accolades for their willingness to understand where this so-called "Social Security crisis" is headed. It is headed to being dismantled. Are you comfortable putting or having a corporation like Enron hold your saving accunts so it can dissolve it later with full government protection under the laws of unfettered deregulation? Well let's point out those fine Republicans who seem to understand the meaning of liberalism better than the Democrats in Name Only. Thus, VSJ must give credit where it is due.
The Congressional members oppose directly President Bush and Vice-President Cheney's phony Social Security cries to make it a private-accounts-based system as their real plans and desires if not ultimate objective is to end or totally phase-out the present system. So, do no be fooled just because one is suppose to be a democrat or so-called liberal that they are proecting the elderly or disabled who rely on Social Secuity to just live on with the bare necessities of life.
The "Rats" are those Democrats who support President Bush in his quest to make Social Security a private-accounts program or really to completely phase the SS system out. These Democrats will have you believe that they are not supporting President Bush's plan to privitize the old system as well. They will deceieve the general public by saying they will listen to both sides while they are in fact fixing to support the private plan to privitize Social Security. These Democrat "Rats" are trying to play the middle like a fiddle as they are the people who President Bush and VP Dick Cheney hope to court in passing this overhauling of Social Security Bill. The The Democrat "Rats" Watch List over the proposal of President Bush to privitize Social Security is troubling. But the two of the biggest The Democrat "Rats" are two media whores which includes Connecticut's junior Senator Joe Lieberman and Pennsylvania's Democrat Governor, Ed Rendell. Govenor Rendell is as a smooth talker as they get and is never to be trusted. The nect time one listens to this blowhard (Ed Rendell) on Hardball with Chris Matthews understand that this man is worse than snake oil or grease.

The Democrat "Rats" in the House of Represntatives ready to cave into President Bush and VP Cheney are as follows: Rep. Allen Boyd, D-Florida; Rep. Robert "Bud" Cramer, D-Alabama; Rep. Harold Ford, D-Tennessee; Rep. Ron Kind, D-Wisconsin; Rep. Collin Peterson, D-Minnesota; Rep. Ike Skelton, D-Missouri; Rep. John Tanner, D-Tennessee; and Rep. Gene Taylor, D-Mississippi. The Democrat "Rats" in the Senate ready to cave into President Bush and VP Cheney are as follows: Senator Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska; Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-Arkansas; Senator Tom Carper (D-Delaware; Senator Evan Bayh, D-Indiana; Senator Joe Lieberman, D-Connecticut; and Senator Mary Landrieu, D-Louisiana. All of these people make loyal Democrats angry with the right to call them TRAITORS to the legacy of the once great party of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The following Democrats are "RATS" of the worse kind and traitors to the legacy of FDR.
The "Anti-Rats" are found on the Republican side of the aisle in Congress and must be commended for upholding true blue Liberal Republicinism. It is I know hard to believe that the "Rats" would cave into President Bush while the "Anti-Rats" of the GOP would not be in rapid agreement. As of January 13, 2005 the following Anti-Rat Republicans were not going along with the Bush-Cheney plans based on CATO's recommndations to privitize Social Security. The following Republican members in the House were as follows: Rep. Shelley Moore Capito, R-West Virginia; Rep. Mike Castle, R-Delaware; Rep. Jo Ann Emerson, R-Missouri; Rep. Dave Reichert, R-Washington; and Rep. Rob Simmons, R-Connecticut. The following Republican members in the Senate were as follows: Senator Lincoln Chafee, R-Rhode Island; Senator Olympia Snowe, (R-Maine; and Senator Arlen Specter, R-Pennsylvania.
Perhaps, the Democratic party is becoming more and more irrelevant by the hour if not day or minute in being a permament minority party in the United States. At least these "Anti-Rats" of the GOP are not so willing to go along with the calls of Bush to privitize Social Security. There is still some hope left, but not much when it comes to this Social Security dismantling bill. Is there any politician out there who has any BALLS left worth their salt? I do not think so unless proven wrong othrwise. Politicans do what the people at the top of the money chain dictate. The people at the bottom have little or no voice in the daily routines of government operations. Does your vote count? It will not even be consdiered as politicans rape the Social Security Trust which is the People's Money,not the politician shyster's in Washington, D.C. Post Your Opinions Now!

What Agenda Pick For Today?
Agendas, Agendas and More Agendas Galore!
Hello America. In America every time one turns in some blabber mouth radio show talk show host they are accusing someone else of having a contrived agenda even as they carry out one of their own crappy songs and rants. Thus they have agendas, agendas, and even more agendas. One agenda here, one agenda there, everywhere an agenda. Agendas are the new political trend in the USA. There are all kinds of agendas roaming around the American landscape these days from all sides of the political, culture, and social map. Here are the many agendas not necessarily in order and I am sure that at least one may fit at least one of you out there. Americans know that Bill O'Reilly has a vibrator fetish agenda. Americans know that Rush Limbaugh has a deifinite oxycontin drug agenda. Dick Morris once had a sucking the hooker's toes in a Washington D.C. motel agenda. President Bush once had a drug agenda and now a bible fixation agenda. Dick Cheney once had an apartheid defense agenda. FOX News has a lies agenda and the Weekly Standard has a immoral deceit agenda led by William Kristol the masterful liar with a murderous agenda and Stephen Hayes with a rape the truth agenda. The Christian right has their own gay/lesbian agenda. Here are some more agendas real or imagined by the crazies of the radical right and all their little peon supporters who have no clue about globalization.
Radio talk show hosts agenda
Fiction agenda
non-fiction agenda
poetry agenda
jazz musis agenda
nascar agenda
super bowl sunday agenda
foot fetish agenda
topless dancer agenda
nude agenda
kissing agenda
novel agenda
crime stories agenda
court tv agenda
TV and radio agenda
smoking cigarettes agenda
health freak agenda
clean teeth agenda
shopping for panties agenda
shopping for ice cream agenda
shopping for men agenda
shopping for women agenda
always shopping for the opposite sex agenda
always shopping for the same sex agenda
always going to church agenda
always reciting bible verses agenda
always saluting the flag agenda
lingerie agenda
fetish agenda
ice cream agenda
staple surgery agenda
crack cocaine agenda
anti-immigration agenda
pro-immigration agenda
neonazi agenda
pro-zionist agenda
pro-civil rights agenda
Bill O'Reilly's feitshes agenda
Rush Limbaugh's oxycontin agenda
Right-wing justice agenda
Supreme Court's idiot rulings agenda
GOP Congress' dimwits agenda
President Pretzels agenda
Vice-President Daddy Dick's agenda
leather agenda
silk agenda
panty agenda
tie agenda
flower agenda
shoe agenda
shopping agenda
political agenda
right wing agenda
left wing agenda
Democrat agenda
Republican agenda
Liberal agenda
Conservative agenda
gay agenda
Chrisitian agenda
gay marriage agenda
Feminist agenda
Hollywood agenda
save marriage agenda
Save the family agenda
save the forest agenda
save the tree agenda
save the white man agenda or save the whale agenda?
save the evironment agenda
save your school agenda
save your money agenda
save your tax dollar agenda
save your skies agenda
save your home agenda
save your lawn agenda
save your car agenda
save your community agenda
save your church agenda
save your kids agenda
save your jewelry agenda
save your vital organ agenda
save your media from lies agenda
save the presidency agenda
save your democracy now agenda
save the republic agenda
save your health care agenda
save social security agenda
save the planet agenda
save your pennies agenda
save medicare agenda
save the children agenda
save your mind from right wing talk radio agenda
save your souls from right wing preachers agenda
save your heart from Republican apporved medical approved medical doctors agenda
save your rights to be represented by a lawyer agenda
save the planet from nuclear disaster agenda
save your skin agenda from polluted air agenda
save your hair from infested water agenda
save your freedom for the truth agenda
Save America from GOP fools agenda
Save America from GOP fascists agenda
Save America from GOP Hitler's agenda

Posted by moongypsy12 at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, November 27, 2005 12:07 PM EST

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