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Democrat "RATS" Assisting  Mr. President Bush in Dismantling Social Security's Trust Fund
       According to MediaTransparency from information they obtained there are willing democrats who are ready to go along with President Bush's privitization plan of Social Security which will all but dismantle the program. The Republicans have wanted to rid the Medicare program and Social Security as it ever got off the the ground. It was Democrat President Harry S. Truman who ushered in the GI Bill and gave veterans a chance to go to school as well as improved health benefits that a conservative Republican Congress fought all the way. The Republicans believe in corporate welfare for the connected but do not think much about the welfare of those left out of the privliled classes or those who refuse to go along with the program set down by the dominant classes since the formation of the consttuition was devised primarily for rich white landowers at the expese of the very freedom and equality stated in the document. Now the Democrats have truly lost their way and true blue democrats need to view these people as traitors to the party they were elected. If these politicians were not so eager about re-election they would find no need to be in the political middle as much as they are. None of these politicians should get re-elected if any one of them supports and encourages President Bush on this matter of social security.
       Two of the people who are pushing for the
dismantling of Social Security although using words like "private accounts" are from right wing think tanks who were also responsible for the awful Medicare bill and have written voluminous position papers opposed not only to workers rights and the call to abolish unions but favor the deregulation processes which have sent American jobs overseas by the tens of thousands. Both The CATO Institute is the one right wing think tank who has advocated for the complete dissolution of Social Security. At the present time they are supported by former CATO member, Vice-President Dick Cheney who along with his wife Lynn Cheney have been involved with numerous right wing-ideological think-tanks. Led by privatization of Social Security advocates Claire Shipman and Michael Tanner, Tanner is also CATO Institute's director of health and welfare studies), the push is now on to selling the program to the people and of course to those on Capitol Hill.
        What is amazing about all this is that many Congressional Democrats agree with President Bush to privitize Social Security. I wonder why Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell is a favorite of the media cable channels like MSNBC and Chris Matthews of Hardball? Perhaps he is a Democrat in Name Only as well as a longtime machine politician. Machine politicians no matter the party are the worse kind of politician for loyalty is how they can win elections with political ideology or a deep conscience often not even secondary to their political natures. CT Senator Joe Lieberman also likes to win elections and he is really an oldtime political hack from CT having once been the Attorney General and has recently spent less time inside CT than politicking outside the Nutmeg state. How CT voters would ever re-elect this hawk on military matters or a censor of free speech and now enemy of the elderly and disabled is beyond any moral person's ability to comprehend right from wrong.
         One might think that it would be the Democrats who would oppose Bush's plan with all the might they have. Wrong again! No, they are bought and paid for by the same big campaign donors who line the pockets of the Republicans. It is a big club in Washington, D.C. and in the Congress. The people who are not included in that party are Americans who do not have the big bucks to buy access to communicate with their elected officials. And if you are able to communicate with elected representatives do not think being listened to is one of the strongest traits of any one politician. Politicians listen mostly to thyself. Just remember that people.
       Although I come from a liberal perspective as an admitted proud unabashed, liberal, I am not beholden to any one political party. There is party ideology which must be fettered out from political ideology. Not all liberals are democrats although many are. Not all democrats are liberals although a few may be. There are some progressive/liberal Republicans who must be given accolades for their willingness to understand where this so-called "Social Security crisis" is headed. It is headed to being dismantled. Are you comfortable putting or having a corporation like Enron hold your saving accunts so it can dissolve it later with full government protection under the laws of unfettered deregulation? Well let's point out those fine Republicans who seem to understand the meaning of liberalism better than the Democrats in Name Only. Thus, VSJ must give credit where it is due. The Congressional members oppose directly President Bush and Vice-President Cheney's phony Social Security cries to make it a private-accounts-based system as their real plans and desires if not ultimate objective is to end or totally phase-out the present system. So, do no be fooled just because one is suppose to be a democrat or so-called liberal that they are proecting the elderly or disabled who rely on Social Secuity to just live on with the bare necessities of life.
                The "Rats" are those Democrats who support President Bush in his quest to make Social Security a private-accounts program or really to completely phase the SS system out. These Democrats will have you believe that they are not supporting President Bush's plan to privitize the old system as well. They will deceieve the general public by saying they will listen to both sides while they are in fact fixing to support the private plan to privitize Social Security. These Democrat "Rats" are trying to play the middle like a fiddle as they are the people who President Bush and VP Dick Cheney hope to court in passing this overhauling of Social Security Bill. 
          The Democrat "Rats" Watch List over the proposal of President Bush to privitize Social Security is troubling. But the two of the biggest The Democrat "Rats" are two media whores which includes Connecticut's junior Senator Joe Lieberman and Pennsylvania's Democrat Governor, Ed Rendell. Govenor Rendell is as a smooth talker as they get and is never to be trusted. The nect time one listens to this blowhard (Ed Rendell) on Hardball with Chris Matthews understand that this man is worse than snake oil or grease.
The Democrat "Rats" in the House of Represntatives ready to cave into President Bush and VP Cheney are as follows: Rep. Allen Boyd, D-Florida; Rep. Robert "Bud" Cramer, D-Alabama; Rep. Harold Ford, D-Tennessee; Rep. Ron Kind, D-Wisconsin; Rep. Collin Peterson, D-Minnesota; Rep. Ike Skelton, D-Missouri; Rep. John Tanner, D-Tennessee; and Rep. Gene Taylor, D-Mississippi. The Democrat "Rats" in the Senate ready to cave into President Bush and VP Cheney are as follows: Senator Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska; Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-Arkansas; Senator Tom Carper (D-Delaware; Senator Evan Bayh, D-Indiana; Senator Joe Lieberman, D-Connecticut; and Senator Mary Landrieu, D-Louisiana. All of these people make loyal Democrats angry with the right to call them TRAITORS to the legacy of the once great party of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The following Democrats are "RATS" of the worse kind and traitors to the legacy of FDR.
          The "Anti-Rats" suprisingly are found on the Republican side of the aisle in Congress and must be commended for upholding true blue Liberal Republicinism. It is I know hard to believe that the "Rats" would cave into President Bush while the "Anti-Rats" of the GOP would not be in rapid agreement. As of January 13, 2005 the following Anti-Rat Republicans were not going along with the Bush-Cheney plans based on CATO's recommndations to privitize Social Security. The following Republican members in the House were as follows: Rep. Shelley Moore Capito, R-West Virginia; Rep. Mike Castle, R-Delaware; Rep. Jo Ann Emerson, R-Missouri; Rep. Dave Reichert, R-Washington; and Rep. Rob Simmons, R-Connecticut. The following Republican members in the Senate were as follows: Senator Lincoln Chafee, R-Rhode Island; Senator Olympia Snowe, (R-Maine; and Senator Arlen Specter, R-Pennsylvania.
               Perhaps, the Democratic party is becoming more and more irrelevant by the hour if not day or minute in being a permament minority party in the United States. At least these "Anti-Rats" of the GOP are not so willing to go along with the calls of Bush to privitize Social Security. There is still some hope left, but not much when it comes to this Social Security dismantling bill. Is there any politician out there who has any BALLS left worth their salt? I do not think so unless proven wrong othrwise. Politicans do what the people at the top of the money chain dictate. The people at the bottom have little or no voice in the daily routines of government operations. Does your vote count? It will not even be consdiered as politicans rape the Social Security Trust which is the People's Money,not the politician shyster's in Washington, D.C.
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Happy New Year 2005!!!!!!

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