Question 1
Moondustgypsy1: How is the state of
the Union these days?
IvoryHush2: Fine. I am a war president and doing the world a big favor by using war for
Question 2
Moondustgypsy1: I asked about the
State of the Union not the world. What do you think are the biggest proiblems to be addressed in the U.S.?
Hey, I am the one running the show here.
Question 3
Moondustgypsy1: This is the media
now. As a member of the media I ask the questions.
IvoryHush2: Ask away but the administration has more clout
with the FCC and reneable licenses you know. Ask questions of a war president not favorable and war can be declared on your
little show here by having the FCC get you for indecent questions.
Question 4
Moondustgypsy1: Okay. In all due
respect Sir, do you think the economy is doing well?
IvoryHush2: As soon as my administration dismantles
Social Security and rids the nation of the remnants of the New Deal which all conservatives hated, will be the best thing
which ever happened to America since Herbert Hoover was president.
Question 5
Moondustgypsy1: What did you think of
President Hoover?
IvoryHush2: Great man. Treated friends and family well and thought little about the people
as he should. I think Hoover had it right by being pro-corporate and making sure his cronies like mine get whatever they desire.
If the little people are not smart enough to understand that very few of them will make it without the government helping
or intervenng in one fashion or another than too bad.
Question 6
Moondustgypsy1: How can the government
help the average person who has little job skills or no desire for college?
IvoryHush2: The military. Need soldiers
and we must make sure that gutting college affordability programs and HUD funding that the military will have people flocking
just to get enough food, water and shelter. The plan that this team has in place plays the people like a fiddle and they think
I like them.
Question 7
Moondustgypsy1: You mean you do not like
the people?
IvoryHush2: Not the ones who criticize me. Those critics are trash and not needed where Kings live
and operate their kingdom from.
Question 8
Moondustgypsy1: Your not a King now,
IvoryHush2: I am the King of the world and can overthrow or dominate where I want, when I want and
have the whole apparatus from the corporations to the electronic media to newspapers to radio and Congress going along with
my decisions no matter what. One side is scared crapless and the other side eats any crapola I throw out. Its so easy its
predicatable and both sides think its me who is the dumb one. Predicatablity is the place where fools hang out.
Question 9
Moondustgypsy1: You think those who are
predictable are fools?
IvoryHush2: Yes, especially in war time. I am a war president and own those underneah
me which is, by golly, the whole country. I am like a King as I order in a strongman's way what should happen here.
Question 10
Moondustgypsy1: How many more nations
governments will be overthrown by your Empire dominated administration?
IvoryHush2: As many as this war president
Question 11
Moondustgypsy1: Don't you consider that intimidation and blackmail?
IvoryHush2: No, not at all.
The American forces and people have the power and will to spread democracy and freedom around the world doing God's work.
That is noble and if a few dictators go then too bad.
Question 12
Moondustgypsy1: Couldn't a King like
you consider yourself be as harmful as a dictator?
Answer IvoryHush2: No. We are a good people. I have the people
who voted for me on my side. I do not need the approval of anyone as a war president and if that means acting like a king
or dictator to keep the peace then I will do that. Everything takes second place in war, including outdated laws and treaties
and internastional convention. The protection of American liberty and freedom is the most important. And America has God on
her side and we think its time to export God's good graces to those "dirtbag" nations who do not have two cents to run
together and those other places where civil wars and near genocide happens every damn day.
Question 13
Moondustgypsy1: Winding down. How is
the health of the nation?
IvoryHush2: We are in a war right now.
Question 14
Moondustgypsy1: Cannot answer that or
IvoryHush2: Its fine. Nothing wrong. This administration walks on water and everything done here is perfect.
It is like Jesus walking on water in the Holy Bible's Scriptures.
Question 15
Moondustgypsy1: Do you think God is
used too much in politics speeches?
IvoryHush2: No, not at all. God is the one who tells me how to govern and
make decisions. Natural law to end all public vices and that awful permissive society which led me to having a bad "cocaine
Question 16
Moondustgypsy1: You had once a bad "cocaine
IvoryHush2: Shhhh. You do not pry into a war president's personal life. Remember the FCC license.
Question 17
Moondustgypsy1 Is that a threat, Sir
IvoryHush2: No, but I am too white to do cocaine now. I found my roots back at the church. I have little
vices to affect my life but I do like being a war president. Oh, I love to make suggestive remarks to women when nobody is
Question 18
Moondustgypsy1: What did you say?
IvoryHush2: Back to womanizing and cat calling. Thank God liberalism and that awful feminism is a thing of the past and
men like me can go back to catcalling and whistling and telling women that their looking good in that top heavy clothing they
have on.
Question 19
Moondustgypsy1: Is that a lot sexist?
IvoryHush2: Hey, thanks to my constituency political correctness is out of fashion now and the people here
in America are free to hate and be open bogots again. Being an open bigot is part of free speech and democracy. Free to be
a bigot, free to discriminate, and open to profile again without all that awful political correctness.
Question 20
Moondustgypsy1: Why all the toleration
of sexism and racism?
IvoryHush2: Well, if my administration can hate gays and pass laws to make sure they remain
second class citizens then i think other people can be added to that mix as well.
Question 21
Moondustgypsy1: Is that freedom or democracy.
I mean bigotry, homophobia, or hatred is good for democracy?
IvoryHush2: It all depends what side of
the fence you are on. Whiteness and Christianity rules and runs America again. Its a good thing that America has the white
president like me it always needs because those commie liberals want to include everyone......and then try to exclude the
white man who sehd blood "to build this one nation under God". I am the war president to lead this nation. Non-whites are
good to use for many things but in the white America I run whites are the ones who will get preferential treatment from now
on. This nation has been darn good to those who were once oppressed and now its time to end affirmative action so the white
man can have his own again.
Question 22
Moondustgypsy1: You think that oppression
ended with affirmative action?
IvoryHush2: Affirmative Action was wrong from the start by penalizing the white
man and white woman over non-whites.
Question 23
Moondustgypsy1: You think that
the black man or woman was void of being penalized for just living as in slavery and Jim Crow laws in the south?
IvoryHush2: I did not personalize penalize them and I definitely reject the notion of institutional racism. Since I did
now own slaves or live in a segregated state then I do not think as a war president I need to answer any more of these idiotic
questions. I have other matters to tend to. But "marriage is between a man and a woman." Thank God, I snuck that little tidbit
in there. I am told what to say and just need to remember it in my short term memory bank account.
Question 24
Moondustgypsy1: One last queation. Okay?
IvoryHush2: Okay go ahead but quickly.
Question 25
Moondustgypsy1: How do you define yourself?
IvoryHush2: As a disciole of Jesus and of course spreading freedom and democracy. As a war president I am serious about
the spoils of war and commend all those soldiers who are brave enough to fight so me and IvoryChush3 can have more of the
oil that is owed to U.S. and that personally I make more profits. Thanks a lot. I am out of here now. Back to eating some
Question 26
Moondustgypsy1: Tbanks for the
interview. See ya next time.
IvoryHush2: Ya thanks too. Maybe next time. I will still be the war president.
Bye now.