Supreme Court's refusd to hear a case challenging Florida's ban on adoption by gays and lesbians. Is this freedom for all
in America? Is this what one can say separates America from its so-called "barbaric" enemies of Islam? Denying rights legally
or doing so by physically killing someone is not any different when one is denied their basic civil rights. As the Bible says
there are many ways to kill someone and in this way the right wing are trying to kill off gays and lesbians by denying them
full rights and protections which freedom claims but is yet again denied in America.
American Veteran's for Equal Rights. AVER
note: formerly Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Veterans of America
Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere COLAGE
note: support and advocacy for children of lgbt parents
Gay and Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) (New England)
note: lawyers representing glbt clients
in sexual orientation, HIV/AIDS discrimination and invasion of privacy/confidentiality suits; educating public on laws and
Gay and Lesbian Arabic Society. GLAS
note: worldwide chapters; networking for gays and lesbians of Arabic
descent; seeking an end to injustice and discrimination
Gay and Lesbian Parents Coalition International
note: This organization is now called Family Pride Coalition.
Matthew Shepard Foundation
note: supports educational projects, activities, and documentaries that raise
awareness of the issues of discrimination and diversity
The New Gay Democrats of America
note: "...founded in February 2001,...the New Gay Democrats are a new
nationwide organization of gay youth..."
Partners Task Force for Gay and Lesbian Couples (U.S.)
note: a resource for same-sex couples...through
a variety of media...impressive number of full text resources on legal marriage, benefits, relationships, parenting, and immigration;
constant updates
Media and Newspapers for the
GLBT Community
In the Family A Magazine for Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals and their Relations
note: therapy-orientated;
no full text; contents pages Oct. 1995+; some contents with annotations; may order back issues
In the Life. The Lesbian and Gay Newspaper of New York and the Tri-State Area---note: current full text
features, news
Foundation(s) for the GLBT Community
Gill Foundation.
note: " secure equal opportunity
for all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender providing grants...strengthening leadership and managerial
skills...increasing financial resources...building awareness of the contributions...of diverse sexual orientations and gender